
the WavePan sound module

The PanDrum is a collection of 6 handpans and 2 tongue drums, which have been recorded very precisely. The sound of the PanDrum can be described as rich, warm and full of inspiring sonority. Finally it is a very impressive reproduction of a real handpan instrument, but also offers the ability to extremly extend and vary the entire sound by applying numerous features. PanDrum is an exceptional instrument with a fantastic sound in a modern design.

In order to give PanDrum the widest possible range of instruments and their variety, we have put together a very sophisticated selection of handpans and tongue drums from simple to top notch. They were all recorded in several dynamic layers and 8 round robin variations.

PanDrum was recorded and implemented by Cinematique Instruments »


6 Handpan instruments
We have collected high end handpan instruments such as Zephyr, Leaf, Pan Art, Camenzind, Orbi Pan and Tiflis. Furthermore we recorded a special percussion set of the Zephyr as well as an Orbi Drum set played by mallets which sounds similiar to steel drums.  

2 Tongue Drums
There are two inspiring tongue drums available: an Aqua Drum and the long sustaining RAV Vast.  

18 Scales
The PanDrum is equipped with 18 different scales. This gives you the ability to play - beside the regular chromatic keyboard scale - authentic handpan scales. This option was specially developed for the WavePan. Of course, you can also create your own scales.

Detailed Sampling
All instruments and articulations were recorded in a very complex way with eight round robin variation in up to 5 dynamic layers.

5 Layer Instruments
You are able to mix in or even play exclusively additional layer sounds such as the wonderful sounding Gender - a Gamelan vibraphone or an atmpospheric Felt Piano. But there are also inspiring Guitars and a Sald Bowl available. 

Tone Shaping
Besides the regular tools such as envelope (attack, decay) there is an EQ and filters, reverb, delay as well as additional fx options such as cabinet, drive, tremolo or rotary. This is perfect to quickly change and shape the entire sound of the PanDrum. 

6 Presets
In order to show the versatility and possibilty to build textures there are 6 presets availabe. Each one stands for a different way of playing the PanDrum.


You need a player like Kontakt or Halion to install and play PanDrum.

We recommend using HALion Sonic 7, the free Steinberg player »
Here you will also find all information about the necessary system requirements and installation instructions 


If you don't have a player yet, make sure to select the HALION-EDITION from PanDrum!

Here you can buy PanDrum »
